Tuesday 26 June 2012






The real act of discovery
is not in finding new
lands, but in seeing with
new eyes.
-- Marcel Proust

To be happy, drop the
words 'if only' and
substitute the words
'next time'.
- - Smiley Blanton, M.D.

A man is known by his
- - Proverbs 21:8

The way you see yourself
today will affect your
performance today.
- - Zig Ziglar

Wealth is largely the
result of habit.-
-- John Jacob Astor

There are no limitation
to the mind except those
we acknowledge.
-- Napoleon Hill

Our worth is determined
by the good deeds we DO,
rather than the fine
emotions we feel.
-- Elias L. Magoon

Everyone has his own specific
vocation in life...Therein he
cannot be replaced, nor can
his life be repeated...Thus
everyone's task is as unique as
his specific opportunity to
implement it. We detect
rather than invent our mission
in life.
-- Viktor Frankl

Resolve to be thyself; and
know, that he who finds
himself, loses his misery.
-- Mathew Arnold

The key to leadership
today is influence, not
-- Ken Blanchard

Leaders who are
inarticulate make us all
-- James Hayes

The best thing you can
do for your career is to
learn to think on your
-- Lee Iacocca

Happiness is an attitude
of mind, born of the
simple determination to
be happy under all
outward circumstances.
-- J. Donald Walters

When you doubt yourself
you doubt everyone else
as well. What is thought
to be fear of others is
really distrust of self.
-- Anonymous

Your work is to discover
your work, and then with
all your heart to give
yourself to it.
-- Buddha

If people are coming to work
excited . . . if they're making
mistakes freely and fearlessly
. . . if they're having fun . . . if
they're concentrating on doing
things, rather than preparing
reports and going to meetings -
then somewhere you have a
-- Robert Townsend

Your limitations should
be your guidelines, and
not stop signs. They
should direct and guide
your path on the journey,
not prevent you from
taking it.
-- Robert Schuller

A man cannot be
comfortable without his
own approval.
-- Mark Twain

We tend to get what we
-- Norman Vincent Peale

Don’t wish it were easierwish
you were better.
-- Jim Rohn

The greatest mistake you
can make is to be
continually fearing you
will make one.
-- Elbert Hubbard

The only real security in
life comes from knowing
that every single day you
are improving yourself in
some way.
-- Anthony Robbins

Success is not a
doorway, it’s a stairway.
--Dottie Walters

We aim above the mark
to hit the mark.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Control your own destiny
or someone else will.
--Jack Welch

A really great talent
finds its happiness in
--JohannWolfgang von Goethe

You are born an original.
Don’t die a copy.
-- John Mason

I dream my painting and
then I paint my dream.
-- Vincent Van Gogh

People do not attract
that which they want,
but that which they are.
-- James Allen

All results no matter how
magnificent are
infinitesimal when
compared to future
-- James A. Ray

You are a product of your
environment. So choose the
environment that will best
develop you toward your
objective. Analyze your life in
terms of its environment. Are
the things around you helping
you toward success - or are
they holding you back?
-- W. Clement Stone

We must learn to reawaken
and keep ourselves awake,
not by mechanical aids, but
by an infinite expectation
of the dawn, which does
not forsake us even in our
soundest sleep.
-- Henry David Thoreau

You can make more friends
in two months by becoming
interested in other people
than you can in two years
by trying to get other
people interested in you.
-- Dale Carnegie

Don't be afraid to give your
best to what seemingly are
small jobs. Every time you
conquer one it makes you
that much stronger. If you
do the little jobs well, the
big ones tend to take care
of themselves.
-- Dale Carnegie

If you don't have a vision,
then your reality will
always be determined by
other's perceptions.
-- Melanée Addison

The will to do springs
from the knowledge that
we can do. Belief always
precedes action
-- James Allen

Within you right now is
the power to do things
you never dreamed
possible. This power
becomes available to you
just as soon as you can
change your beliefs.
-- Dr. Maxwell Maltz

Too many people
overvalue what they are
not and undervalue what
they are.
-- Malcolm Forbes

Play. . . is the
mechanism that allows
us to continue to explore
as adults."
-- Paola Novaresio

To acquire knowledge,
one must study; but to
acquire wisdom, one
must observe.
--Marilyn vos Savant

Character is power.
--Booker T. Washington

Courage means to keep
working a relationship,
to continue seeking
solutions to difficult
problems, and to stay
focused during stressful
-- Denis Waitley

I believe that to meet the challenges of
our times, human beings will have to
develop a greater sense of universal
responsibility. Each of us must learn to
work not just for oneself, one’s own
family or nation, but for the benefit of
all humankind. Universal
responsibility is the key to human
survival. It is the best foundation for
world peace.
--The Dalai Lama

To be at peace with
ourselves we need to know
--Caitlin Mathews

Whatever reality you find
yourself in is capable of
being altered by you at any
time you want. It is not
altered by changing what is
outside of you; it’s altered
by changing how you
choose to process your life.
-- Wayne Dyer

Until you value yourself,
you will not value your
time. Until you value
your time, you will not
do anything with it.
-- M. Scott Peck

No one can teach you
that which they have not
done. Beware of who you
choose to learn from.
-- Tom Hopkins

The ultimate measure of
a man is not where he
stands in moments of
comfort and convenience,
but where he stands at
times of challenge and
--Martin Luther King Jr.

An optimist sees an
opportunity in every
calamity; a pessimist
sees a calamity in every
--Winston Churchill

Never allow your energy
or enthusiasm to be
dampened by the
discouragements that
must inevitably come.
-- James Whitcomb Riley

If you have built castles
in the air, your work
need not be lost; that is
where they should be.
Now put foundations
under them.
-- Henry David Thoreau

It is not death that a
man should fear, but he
should fear never
beginning to live.
-- Marcus Aurelius

In each of us are places
where we have never
gone. Only by pressing
the limits do you ever
find them.
-- Dr. Joyce Brothers

More important than
leaving an inheritance is
leaving a legacy.
-- Anonymous

When we operate in our
areas of strength we
gain energy. When we
operate in our
weaknesses we lose
-- Robin Wilson


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